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5 posts tagged with "ASP.NET Core"

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· 5 min read

Spring Cloud Config server is a Java-based application that provides support for externalized configuration in a distributed system. A number of external configuration sources are supported like the local file system, Git or HashiCorp Vault. For this post, I use a Github repo as my configuration source. Centralizing configuration on a source control repo has several advantages, especially in a micro services architecture:

· 2 min read

I was struggling for about an hour getting debug logging to console working in ASP.NET Core so I thought I should write it down. I got tricked by the default appsettings.json and appsettings.Development.json that get generated when you run dotnet new.

· 4 min read

I'm developing a smoke tests app in Go that tests a number of services (Redis, RabbitMQ, Single Sign-On, etc) that are offered in the marketplace of a CloudFoundry installation at one of our customers. These tests produce simple JSON output that signals what went wrong. Now the customer has asked for a dashboard so the entire organization can check on the health of the platform.

· 3 min read

On several GitHub projects nowadays you find these nice badges in the that tell you whether the current build passed. Until a few days ago I didn't know how these were implemented but since I have my own small open-source [GitHub project][1] now, I wanted a badge. Sounds a bit like [gamification][2] if I say it like this but that's an entirely different topic :)

· 5 min read

[Let's Encrypt][1] is a new certificate authority that provides free certificates for web server validation. It issues [domain-validated][2] (DV) certificates meaning that the certificate authority has proven that the requesting party has control over some DNS domain (more on that later). And the best thing: it's fully automated through an [API][4] and a [command-line client][3].

Free DV certificates seem to be the new trend nowadays with Symantec being the next player in the market [announcing][5] they're giving them away for free. Let's Encrypt issued their [first][7] certificate on September 14, 2015 and announced on March 8, 2016 that they were at one million after just three months in [public beta][8].